Halesworth Gallery

Steeple End, Halesworth, Suffolk IP19 8LL
Opposite St. Mary's Church
Monday to Saturdays 11am - 4pm
Sunday 2 - 4pm

Admission free. 01986 873064

Opening Parties are from 6.30-8.30pm on the Friday before each show. All welcome.
The gallery is closed for hanging on the Thursday and Friday before each exhibition opens.

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We are looking for artists for 2025. More details here.


27th July to 21st August

Fliss Cary and Tracee Findlater

Jack Crampton

Sally Erb

Show 5

Opening Party Friday 26th July 6.30pm to 8.30pm

All Welcome


24th August to 18th September

Anna-Lise Horsley

Margie Britz

Maria Pavledis

Show 6

Opening Party Friday 23rd August 6.30pm to 8.30pm. All welcome!

27th to 29th April

Young Artists' Show

Special Opening Times 11am to 4pm Saturday, Sunday and Monday

Young Artists

Open Show hand-in on Saturday 27th April 11am to 4pm

Click here to download the Open Show form with further details. Or visit the Halesworth Bookshop to collect a form if you prefer.

4th May to 29th May

Open Show

Show 2

Opening Party 3rd May

1st June to 26th June



Opening Party 31st May

Marilyn Hall, Caroline Hibbs, Monika Brückner, Marian Murphy, Monika Häußler-Göschl, Jean Kirk

Tuesday 4th June 'Meet the Artist' - 'Working Together' day

29th June to 24th July

Tina Hagley

Alfie Demmon

Chris Newson

Show 4

Opening Party 28th June

An open evening with Chris Newson and Maggi Hambling is happening Saturday 13th July. 6.30 opening. Maggi has been mentoring Chris's work since 2010. Maggi speaks at 7 pm about Chris's life and current work. Her speeches are legendary. Don't miss it .

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Join the Friends of the Halesworth Gallery

For only £10 a year join our supporters and friends group. Receive a priority mailing and go on special gallery visits organised for Friends. Each year friends also receive a special small artwork made in an edition by a local artist and you will be able to pick this up from the gallery. Email us for further details.

Become a Steward

The gallery is stewarded by our team of volunteers. We are always looking for new people to join our team. Sessions are for a morning or afternoon and two hour sessions on Saturdays. Stewards can help us on a regular basis with a slot on the rota or as occasional stewards. Email us for more information or phone Zoë Mair on 0794 113 5622.

Distribute Posters and Brochures

Another way of helping the gallery is by distributing posters to shops, village halls and other venues and by distributing our colourful brochures far and wide. Email us for more information.

Where to find the Halesworth Gallery

© Copyright 2023. All images copyright of the artists. Webdesign and original photography by Paul Cope.